Hyperbook Initial Set-up
Welcome to HyperBook. In a few minutes your guestbook will be set-up and ready to use.
The following information is required for proper function, please fill in all fields.

Data Directory Pathway
This is the pathway on your server to the data directory. Note: this is NOT a URL. The admin program will attempt to determine this path for you. If a path is shown below, use it unless you know for certain that a different path is required.
Possible path: /home/hosting/dutz/hyperbook/data/

Admin Program URL
This is the complete URL to the admin program. The admin program will attempt to determine this URL for you. If a URL is shown below, use it unless you know for certain that a different URL is required.
Possible URL: http://www.3x.ro/hyperbook/admin.php

Admin Password
This is the password you will use to access your guestbook administration program, be sure to choose a password you can remember but won't be easy for anyone else to guess.
Note: To function properly, you must have your browser configured to accept cookies.

Admin password (min. 6 characters)
Enter again for confirmation

Guestbook Name
Your guestbook name will be displayed in the page title and in place of a banner graphic if you decide not to use one.

Homepage Title
Your Homepage title will be displayed on links back to your main page.
If you don't have a name for your website, you may simply use "Homepage".

Homepage URL
This is the full URL back to your homepage beginning with "http://".
Examples: "http://mydomain.com" or "http://www.myhost.com/~mywebsite/index.html"

Webmaster E-mail
Please enter your e-mail address.

By clicking on the "Set-up Guestbook" button, I hereby agree to all terms
and conditions of the HyperBook Guestbook License Agreement.

HyperBook Guestbook v1.12 Copyright © 2001 by Thomas R. Pasawicz. All rights reserved. • Click here for more info.